Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Beautiful Fear

I named my blog A Beautiful Fear, not only because it is a neat oxymoron, but because of a specific meaning. In my opinion, life is a beautiful fear. Life can be beautiful as long as you stop fearing it. Life is something you have to jump into, and experience the beauty of it on your own. Don't fear something that you have never experienced or you never will. Don't fear writing, because you've never done it, just do it.
 However, the fear experienced in life can be a beautiful thing too. Fear protects us. Fear keeps us from breaking the law or running away, or doing dangerous things. We get a thrill from fear, and want to experience it. Want to conquer it.  But too much fear can become a hindrance, as can too much beauty. Too much fear can prevent you from living, or even doing anything at all. There is a fine line between too much fear, and too little. Both are dangerous.
Too much beauty can lead you chasing impossible things. All beautiful things come to an end, so chasing it forever is an impossible hope. Too little beauty in your life, leads to a sad life without hope.
A beautiful fear is a good balance between the two. Even though it can be confusing, it can be encouraging, because everyone can have their own definition of it.
For example "Love is a beautiful fear"- loving something or someone is beautiful but you always have the fear of it ending.
Even fear itself is beautiful, as beauty is something to fear.
Be yourself, and don't be around anything or anyone that wants to change that.
Life is a beautiful fear.

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